Compression rules
LoRaBridge automation manager uses compression rules to minimize the LoRaWAN downlink communication required to transfer automations to a bridge unit. Data fields (in bytes) of each instruction accompanied with brief descriptions are given below.
Add flow
Action | FlowID |
9 | B |
Description: Creates empty LoRaBridge flow with a given FlowID.
Remove flow
Action | FlowID |
11 | B |
Description: Removes a flow with given FlowID.
Flow complete
Action | FlowID |
10 | B |
Description: Triggers Nodered flow generation
Upload flow
Action | FlowID |
12 | B |
Description: Generated Nodered flow is uploaded to Nodered. (Only effective after "flow complete" command).
Enable flow
Action | FlowID |
6 | B |
Description: Associated Nodered flow is enabled. (Only effective after "flow complete" command).
Disable flow
Action | FlowID |
7 | B |
Description: Associated Nodered flow is disabled. (Only effective after "flow complete" command).
Add node
Action | FlowID | NodeID | NodeType |
1 | B | B | B |
Description: Add an automation node of NodeType to a flow.
Remove node
Action | FlowID | NodeID |
0 | B | B |
Description: Removes an automation node of NodeType from a flow.
Add device
Action | FlowID | NodeID | NodeType | LBDevice | LBAttribute |
2 | B | B | B | B | B |
Description: Add an automation (Zigbee2MQTT) device with LBDevice identifier and LBAttribute measurement attribute to a flow.
Connect node
Action | FlowID | OutputNode | Output | InputNode | Input |
4 | B | B | B | B | B |
Description: Connects Output (list index to output attributes in LoRaBridge automation JSON file) of a node with OutputNode ID to an InputNode Input (list index to input attributes)
Parameter update
Action | FlowID | NodeID | ParameterID | NumBytes | Type | Content |
3 | B | B | B | B | B | NumBytes |
Description: Provides update to a node parameter (ParameterID is a list index to parameter list in LoRaBridge automation JSON file). NumBytes defines the amount of bytes contained in the Content field. Type field defines the content data type (boolean,integer, float, string).
Get Devices
Action | Unused |
13 | B |
Description: Requests the bridge to send information about all known devices.