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Hardware components

All components necessary to build LoRaBridge bridge and gateway units are listed below. Please note: the components listed here are the ones used to build the first proof-of-concept LoRaBridge implementation with verified functionality. Some components such as different Raspberry PI models, other Zigbee coordinator sticks or alternative LoRa modems (supporting by LMIC node) might work out-of-the-box. Other components like external LoRaWAN gateways may require adjustments to the LoRaBridge software.

Table of components

Device Manufacturer (link) Distributor (link)
Raspberry PI 4B Raspberry PI Foundation
LilyGo LoRa32 Dongle LilyGo LilyGo
CC2652RB Zigbee USB development stick Ewelink
Dragino PG1301 LoRaWAN GPS Concentrator Dragino

Hardware Setup


To set up a bridge you need:

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • Power adapter
  • Micro SD card (16+ GB recommended)
  • LilyGo LoRa32 Dongle ESP32 433/868/915MHZ 0.96 Inch OLED
  • CC2652RB Zigbee USB development stick



To set up a gateway you need:

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • Power adapter
  • Micro SD card (16+ GB recommended)
  • Dragino PG1301 LoRaWAN GPS Concentrator
